The food pantry drop this month had butternut squash. I cut them up, placed the pieces in a large pot with about 4 inches of water and covered with a lid. Let the squash get to a rolling boil until the meat of the squash is soft enough that a fork pierces the meat of the squash easily. Turn off the heat and let cool. Remove the skins and seeds. Scoop the meat of the squash into a bowl. We feed the seeds, meat and stems to the chickens. From here, it depends on what you want to make with the squash. I make a New England Squash pie, so I put 2 cups of cooked squash in a freezer bag, seal the bag and place it in the freezer. You can also season the squash however you like, heat it up and plate it as a vegetable. 

It hurts my hands to do this now, but I used to take a smaller butternut squash, cut off the ends and remove the skin with a knife. The slice or cut the squash into both julienne sized pieces and cubed pieces. I would use the cubed pieces in breakfast hash and the julienne sized pieces in stir fry. If there was a lot of squash cut up, I would blanch it, then put it in small freezer bags as a single portion to pull out as needed for recipes. 


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